A change maker 

A leader and rebel 

You know you're here to make a massive impact and create an overflow of wealth using your innate gifts. 

You are a new earth visionary leader here with an enormous vision & mission that you're ready to make a reality. 

You DESIRE to be surrounded by others here to shift the paradigm that understand there are no limitations. 

You came here with a purpose and you have innate gifts that are needed to move the collective forward.

You're done playing *small*, hiding your brilliance, pushing & proving... and so ready to share your message courageously so that you attract soul clients with ease. 

Expansion & abundance is your natural state. 

It's time to launch your signature methodology, increase your impact & get PAID TO BE YOU 

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us “ Marianne Williamson

This is the space, where you own your innate power & brilliance as a superconscious creator of your reality. 


You know you're not here just to live a good life, pay your expenses and look good in Gucci...

you’re here to live an extraordinary heaven-on-earth existence. Where you have so much fun and create wealth doing work that you love as you grow and evolve.

The old paradigm of doing more, hustling and creating what you think you “should” to make money is collapsing and you’re awakening to your truth... 

You can create anything you put your mind to . When you decide and choose, mountains move.

You know that life and business is meant to be filled with joy, ease & flow as you take aligned action based on what your superconscious is guiding you to.



You can't live an unlimited life of deep impact while living with outdated (limited) beliefs.

The work you’re meant to do requires you to connect back to your innate brilliance and  limitless possibilities. It's about integrating your shadow self and calling back any disenfranchised parts of self. 

To move as a match for your highest potential. To experience the bliss of life while doing work you LOVE with the most incredible soul clients who pay you anything you charge. 

No more waiting. You're READY.  

Connect to your fully expressed and prosperous version of you NOW so that you can create the impact you’re meant to. 

Have powerful Superconscious recoding, activations, Breathwork, Shamanic Journeys, Hypnosis & Rapid Energetic  recoding to release resistance to your next uplevel and trust what you’re being guided to create. You are a vessel for change. 

You will fully own your magnetism, worthiness and magnificence so that you manifest what is meant for you and attract soul clients who can’t wait to pay you whatever you charge.

Embodying the fullness, the luminosity and the PLEASURE of this lifetime. You’ll come alive, feel turned on and your experience will shift so that you create the income and impact you’re born for. It's time to awaken your *pussy* power 

Start to impact others with your voice and message – owning that you want to be heard and seen in a big way.

Downloading and creating programs and signature methodologies that have never been seen before – because they can ONLY be created by you. 


Learn how to create prosperous launches and embodied sales processes by using your unique magnetism, emotional intelligence, nervous system regulation & savvy marketing to expand your capacity to receive. 


Bring more pleasure, joy and sensuality into your work and life. There is no separation. How you do one thing is how you do everything.


Balance the divine masculine (focus, discipline, goals) with the divine feminine (intuition, creativity, emotional intelligence) so that you feel energised and create, launch and sell what you’re meant to. Both are essential for MANIFESTATION. 


In this space, you’ll be understood for your wild, different and visionary views…. In fact we will harness and activate this. You being all of you, is what the world needs now.

Fully expressed, unapologetic, full throated, nude -on - the internet with zero fucks given. The REAL you. 


I’m Vanessa Hallick, a world-renowned Mindset and Intuitive Business coach, Bestselling author of Paid To Be You and founder of the Rapid Energetic Recoding™ Method.

I’m obsessed with helping visionary leaders create a freedom-based business, using savvy strategies and soul alignment...all while having fun!

My work is to support you with embodying your highest timeline and create your definition of success while being abundant, confident and happy. My mission is to support you in creating your richest and most exciting reality, by helping you create what your soul came here for. To get the visionary leaders in the correct positions doing the work you're meant for so that you create a ripple effect of change. 


I’m here to support you with creating financial abundance through authenticity & joy. My deepest journey has been back to unconditional self - love & innate worthiness.

I am unapologetic about getting paid abundantly while doing work I love, experiencing luxury, opulence and pleasure while creating a legacy and making a massive impact in the lives and businesses of my clients.

I am here for having it all...while knowing everything that is meant for me is already in my energetic field. 

And I'm here to share this with you. 



Learn to access your Highest Timeline & use superconscious recoding, Breathwork, Activations & Rapid Energetic Recoding to shift anything stopping you from creating what you're meant for. 

This work is transformational. 

It can bring quantum leaps in your life and remind you of who you truly are. You are a divine superconscious creator.


Monthly Live Call via Zoom (also recorded if you can’t be there live).

Magic & Miracles happens on these calls..

  • Release old programming and energetic blocks through high level energy work. 
  • Activations & Rapid Energetic Recoding that support you in embodying your highest potential
  • Breathwork in the last 30 minutes of the calls to access higher guidance, release any stagnant energy, get deeper clarity on your business strategy & regulate your nervous system so that you can expand your capacity to receive  
  • Live Q & A to answer anything, give the BTS of our business & channeled messages as guided 


A private community for members of Paid To Be You Membership

A chance to connect to the other amazing like minded visionary leaders in this space, and to ask me your questions. 

Vanessa uses Mindset, Energy, Embodiment & Savvy Marketing to help you create a sustainable business for the long term. This is the Visionary Leader Alignment sequence  


Receive access to my signature Quantum Manifestation process and soul goal clearing so that you make your vision a reality. 

Includes journal prompts, activations & clearings to embodying your next level of income, impact & freedom 


Have a library of Superconscious recodings, activations, Breathwork, hypnosis & Rapid Energetic Recoding to release fears, get clarity and embody your highest potential 

Processes to stay in the leading energy of your vision so that you create with alignment & joy. 




GET your business structures, strategy & support in alignment with your highest timeline

Create, launch & sell your signature methodology, unleash your aligned messaging & get paid to be you. 

You'll also get access to carousel templates, my IG story process, Launch system & Automated Marketing process. 

*Get access to Vanessa's exact Marketing process & connect into higher wisdom to create your own*


Receive a Soul client attraction visualisation and hypnosis to clear anything stopping you from calling in next level clients. 



A process to recognise your shadow self & integrate it so that you stop self sabotaging and create what is meant for you. 



Uplevel your wealth and receive at the highest level. Clear & recode anything stopping you from receiving & expanding wealth. Calibrate to the version of you that is earning exactly what you DECIDE. 




Receive activations for each chakra to align you to your highest frequency AND learn a quick process to see which energy centre needs to be shifted. 

Light language DNA activation - if you know you're meant to use this in your work then you'll receive a process to activate & use these dormant codes. Vanessa has supported 100s of clients with remembering their soul language. 


Nervous system regulation, emotional intelligence & firm boundaries so that you can take on more. 

Use the Paid To Be You Matrix to decode what's stopping you from your next level of income, impact & freedom. 



- How to create an automated marketing funnel that connects & converts

- 6 IG Story Frameworks to position you as the ONLY choice for soul clients using your signature methodology 

- Carousel templates to make your own that are ready for daily sales 

- Create A Podcast with ease that cultivates intimacy & sales 

Get the EXACT process I use behind the scenes that's helped us generate multiple millions, impact lives and consistently be front of mind for our soul clients. As always it's essential to use this and adapt using your gifts (we go through that in Quantum Marketing)  



Get Access To All Of These Courses so that you have Everything You Need for 7 figure Soul Aligned Success (worth over $3000)

Are you ready to claim abundance, wealth & freedom without sacrifice? 


It's time to be the limitless superconscious creator your were born to be. 


Join Paid To be You Membership Today



  • Access to 13 modules + Signature courses including prompts, superconscious recoding & activations on the mindset, energy, embodiment & aligned marketing to get paid to be you 
  • Monthly workshop and monthly live Q&A 
  • Private Facebook group of like minded visionary leaders
  • Get the Behind The Scenes of how Vanessa runs her thriving online business 
  • Weekly emails for alignment, strategy & tools to support your journey 
  • Group Telegram for support & accountability 

Paid To be You Certification

$2497 or $497 x 6 (6 month commitment)

Access to the membership & Live round of Paid To Be You

  • Get access to everything in the previous column 
  • Get access to the next 12 week LIVE round of Paid To Be You Certification with weekly calls 
  • Receive access to 12 comprehensive Paid To be You certification modules to skyrocket client transformations
  • Learn Vanessa's signature processes including Quantum Breathwork, Rapid Energetic Recoding, Intuitive Activations & Unique Genius Process (supporting clients with unlocking their unique signature offer) 
  • Get a personalised Gene Key report and audio will full integration prompts 
  • On completion become a certified Paid To be You Facilitator. Receive a certificate and badge acknowledging the achievement. 
  • Use ANY of the activations, scripts and processes with client
  • Weekly emails so that you stay on track 

Full info of the certification: CLICK HERE


Excited to see you in there. When you embody your authentic self, you give others permission to do the same xox