You know you’re meant to impact millions, make millions and leave a legacy.

You didn't come here to play *small*

You have a HUGE vision, you're taking aligned action towards it and now you're ready to ELEVATE all areas of your life with sustainability, radiance & soul alignment.

You’ve done the hustle, pushing, proving and 14 hour work days. You know there's a better way.

You've done tons of inner work, supported incredible client transformations, adore your work and you know you have a huge mission & purpose. 

And you're saying to yourself ‘I’m so ready for my next level of income, & impact with more ease & flow."

You’re making great money  but you know you’re READY FOR MORE wealth, impact & PLEASURE.

It's time to scale the Lady Millions way. 

It's time to be surrounded by other conscious 6/7 figure leaders who get YOU and are ready to create a ripple effect of change. 

This is the space for those that defy logic, are obsessed with the quantum field, collapsing timelines and making your massive dreams a reality THE LADY MILLION'S FREQUENCY....

She moves with grace & ease. There is no rush, pushing or proving. There is NO separation between her desires and her. She is the superconscious creator & chooses how she feels. She knows that everything that is meant for her is already in her energetic field and is ready to do the inner work to be a match 
She knows that exponential wealth, luxury & overflow is simply an extension of who she is . Her mission is so big, her message so powerful & she knows money is in unlimited supply
She leads herself through big uplevels, holding her self with emotional intelligence , boundaries & firm standards 
She is brilliant at what she does, leads with integrity,  invests freely knowing she IS the best investment & she takes radical responsibility for her actions 
She creates consistency, sustainability & structures to support her divine feminine flow. 
She is unstoppable. Limitless. Powerful. Magnetic and is here to disrupt the paradigm & show others that life is meant to be blissful. 

I know what it feels like to be incredibly ambitious and know that you’re meant to do bigger things in this lifetime. The fear of not fulfilling your true potential and achieving what you’re meant to – scares you more than the fear of failure.

You’re driven, you’re a visionary, you’re unstoppable when you put your mind to something. It’s NOT GREEDY to want more – it’s who you are. You’re an evolutionary being in an ever expanding Universe – you are born to grow, evolve and fulfil your truest potential with presence. 

YOU know you are here to create massive transformations that impacts millions of lives. 

Key #1

Realising that you don’t have to DO more to scale your business and make a bigger impact. You need a simple, aligned plan and to create fulfilment & gratitude in every moment. All you have is the eternal now. You need to own your unique gifts, be unapologetically you and own who you want to work with. No more trying to please everyone. Simplicity Is Luxury.

Key #2

Making the CHOICE to HONOUR yourself and your soul desires. Taking action from intuition & higher self,  and joy while focusing on long term sustainability. Creating, launching and selling your unique programs in alignment with how you want to FEEL. As a high achiever creating the balance between the divine feminine (intuition) and divine masculine (aligned action, self discipline) is important to create. 

I’m a leading Mindset and Intuitive Business Coach, Bestselling Author of Paid To Be You and Founder of the Rapid Energetic Recoding Method. I'm obsessed with helping visionary entrepreneurs create a successful freedom-based business using savvy strategies, soul alignment and having FUN while doing it!

My vision and mission are to support you in creating your richest and most exciting reality by helping you achieve your BIG goals with joy. Our work has been featured in Forbes, Red Online, Financial Times, Irish Examiner and other incredible publications. We’ve been online since 2015 and in that time supported 1000s of clients with massive transformations , made multiple millions and created a business that is truly freedom based.  

It’s no coincidence you landed on this page…You KNOW business can be done differently. With more pleasure, authenticity and alignment. 

Monthly 1:1 sessions to discuss your next level signature suite of offers, unique gifts, elevated messaging, mindset, energy, strategy and mission. These sessions are personalised to you based on the intention you have. 

Access to my team for copywriting review and our in house social media manager supports me with answering SM questions & keeps us up to date on the latest trends 

Unlimited Telegram Mon - Fri support for daily alignment + support so that you can effortlessly scale and grow. 

Connecting to your unique success blueprint & bigger vision so that you can release any limiting beliefs and subconscious belief patterns (yours, society and ancestral) holding you back.Stay in the leading energy & identity of the version of you that already has exactly as you want as you walk with certainty. 

Bonus access to Bestselling Book blueprint to write, market & hit bestseller. 

Your unique Gene Keys report & audio to embody your unique gifts, prosperity & radiance codes work through on a weekly basis & integrate

Full review of anything you create during our time together. (Book review is additonal) 

Activating your energy centres (chakras), raising your vibration through Quantum healing, Breathwork, Light Language, Rapid Energetic Recoding + Reiki so that you become a magnet for all that you desire.

7/8 figure Blueprint, offer suite and aligned marketing for the roadmap for our time together with access to all self paced offers. 

4 MONTH 1:1 + MASTERMIND COACHING INCLUDES: (Here's the full breakdown...)

LADY MILLIONS is about making your BIG vision a reality. Creating effortless wealth in alignment with your true self. And fulfilling the BOLD mission your soul came here for. 



You'll get access to:

1/ The Lady Millions Matrix - to embody the identity of this version of you and to create a clear plan to move forward

2/ Your Gene Keys report & audio to integrate your unique prosperity, radiance & gift codes  for aligned upleveling 

3/ The kinky b*tch formula to identify what's holding you back from what you know you're meant for and how to shift it

Vanessa works with energy, mindset, embodiment and aligned marketing strategy to support you with creating a prosperous business you adore.  


Create certainty in your vision and set your soul goals

Clear & recode any beliefs stopping you from creating the income, impact & freedom you're born for 

How to hold yourself through big uplevels so that you achieve whatever you know is meant for you 

Aligning how you market, sell & show up as the embodiment of your higher self NOW

Redefining SUCCESS on your terms & tuning into your WHY so that you create sustainability over the long term

Superconscious recoding for fear of failure, fear of success and any trauma based responses to expansion 

Soul goal clearing to manifest anything you want

Bigger vision activation & recoding so that you make your vision a reality with ease and grace 


Gene Keys Shadow Integration - Root Chakra - Unique Gift - Grounding & Stability 

Embodying the leader that you are & clearing anything stopping you from sharing your brilliance so that you can make the impact you are born for. 

Integrate your evolution sphere (unique gifts & root chakra) in your Gene Keys to create a sense of safety, security and deeper trust so that you can EXPAND your capacity to take on more clients & cash.  

Use the power of quantum manifestation & embodiment to create anything you want without pushing, proving & hustling. 

Kundalini Kriya - Nervous system overhaul to reset your nervous system to it's natural state for receiving more

Breathwork to support your expansion 

Root Chakra activation to release & clear anything stopping your from feeling safe & secure to receive in a bigger way



Gene Keys - Sacral Chakra - Life's work/ Brand Essence

Refine the offers you currently have and create a 7/8 figure suite of aligned offers that create sustainability & scaleability 

Combine your unique gifts, skills and knowledge so that you are the ONLY choice for your next level soul clients. 

Create an aligned strategy & plan to launch your offers in a way that excites you using your Gene Keys & Human Design  

Tuning into the life force energy of your offers through an Akashic journey for guidance on messaging, branding & strategy. 

A clear process to increase investment for offers 

Activation: Quantum Signature Methodology & Sacral Clearing  



Gene Keys - Solar Plexus Chakra - Prosperity Key 

Shifting your vibrational frequency to attract more money with ease and resetting to your unique way of elevating wealth 

Wealth recoding & superconscious money clearing to clear any outdated patterns & beliefs that no longer serve your Lady Millions self  

Creating a clear pathway for more wealth in your business without doing more 

Calibrating to hold bigger money months through embodiment practices, strategy & alignment 

Releasing any fears and patterns related to income plateaus, feast & famine cycles or holding on to more money 

You know you're meant to be extremely wealthy - let's make it a reality 

Activation: Superconscious wealth recode, Releasing any perceived threat of more money in the system and expanding your capacity to receive more 


Gene Keys - Throat Chakra - Clear Communication 

Understanding what's stopping you from your next level of visibility, speaking your truth & clearing any fears you have of being seen in a massive way 

Identify your unique visibility strategy using your gifts, skills & knowledge (without being on more social media platforms) 

Understand how to shift your message & content to attract soul aligned clients ready to pay you whatever you charge  

Speaking your truth & knowing that's enough to attract soul clients  

Clear process to write your Bestselling book & Podcast that attracts your soul tribe 

Activation: Throat chakra & messaging Activation

Superconscious recoding for fear of being seen in a bigger way 


Gene Keys Activation & Prompts – Heart Path – Attraction Sphere, IQ Sphere, EQ Sphere & SQ Sphere

 Clearing any fears, limiting beliefs and stories holding you back from embodying your innate power

Releasing any attachments to your self worth & external validation so that you can make bold moves as a powerhouse leader 

Understanding how the heart connects you back to the quantum field to accelerate manifestations & channeling – if you can see it in your mind and feel it in your heart you can create it in your reality. This 3-minute daily practice supports you with being a match for what’s meant for you.

Activation: Heart Coherence & Expanding through the heart

Breathwork to open your heart & calibrate to unconditional love



Gene Keys - Third Eye -  Abundance Path - Vocation/ Core Wound


Shifting the outdated beliefs around launching so that you can create joy & sustainability (let's ditch the exhaustion & worry) 

Supercharging what you are currently doing and identifying efficiencies to create sustainability & scaleability 

Creating more automated systems & marketing in your business (or updating them). 

Activation: Quantum Marketing & selling , Clear Past Launch Trauma & Align with your most soul aligned launch strategy 

Access to our in house social media and Facebook Advertising support 


Gene Keys - Crown Chakra - Radiance Sphere 

Having the right support, team and aligned systems for growth 

 Embodying your unique leadership codes using your Gene Keys so that you create a ripple effect of change 

Remembering you are LIMITLESS and  superconscious creator of your own reality 

 Balancing masculine and feminine energy so that you create a business that is led by your intuition and creativity but fully supported with systems + structures

Leading yourself, team & clients as an embodied CEO so that you can expand without attaching your business to your self worth 

Activation: Leadership codes activation & superconscious recoding to release any fears about being a leader 



Gene Keys - Abundance Path - Aligning with your highest potential & frequency 

How to uniquely expand your capacity to receive so that you can take on more clients, make more money & create a bigger impact 

Shift your identity to be a match for what you want & understand why you're not attracting it NOW

Understanding how you self-sabotage your success so that you can break the patterns and habits holding you back from achieving what you’re meant for

Understanding and embracing your shadow self based on your Gene Keys  so that you can utilize these as your superpowers and improve client transformations

Creating boundaries, standards & emotional resilience for expansion

Vagus nerve toning & expanding your window of tolerance & nervous system to take on more

Activation: Expanding Your Capacity To Receive & Aligning with your highest timeline NOW .

Light language & DNA activation to shift you into your natural state of receiving 




Creating your freedom blueprint so that you expand your business with more joy & alignment 

Understanding & releasing patterns stopping you from creating true freedom

Identifying systems & structures to align with consistency (and why we find consistency difficult as high achievers) 

>> it goes without saying - you’re a powerhouse visionary leader 

...You’re an aligned action taker, creator and an activator. People are naturally drawn to your energy and the magnetism you have. You believe in yourself and that anything is possible. You know that everything responds to you 

>> your income level is at least $8k / month and you’re ready to ELEVATE your income

...You 100% know that you’re made for more and you’re ready to RISE

>> you know that growth comes with discomfort and you're ready for change 

...So you’re not scared to make empowered CEO decisions & get out of your comfort zone (with my team and I by your side each step of the way)

>> you want to work in your zone of genius & are ready to do the shadow work required to integrate all parts of you

...And have support & team members to help you grow

>> You’re SOLUTION focused and know that you have EVERYTHING within you NOW to create the business you want 

...You’re the type of person that when things aren’t working, you look for ways to move forward instead of complaining or being a victim . This is a space where you lead yourself and understand emotional intelligence 

>> You’re ready to take the next leap in your business & know that version of you already exists NOW

...Set yourself up for multiple 6/7/8 figure year surrounded by visionary entrepreneurs that GET YOU.

>> You desire to have it ALL (and you're ready to create it)

...The incredible business, the relationship, feeling radiant, a ton of money and a huge dose of FUN without sacrificing in other areas of your life


$9,000 or $2500 x 4

Limited to 7 Visionary Leaders

  • 1 x 90 min intensive with Vanessa to unlock YOUR signature offer, messaging & 7/8 figure strategy and 3 x 1 hour monthly sessions
  •  2 x Monthly 90 min mastermind calls 
  • Unlimited Telegram and email support Mon - Friday for additional support & activations
  • Full review of anything you create by me and my team including sales pages, masterclasses, content etc. 
  • Your personalised Gene Keys report & audio reading with integration to your highest timeline  
  • 10 in depth modules to create a sustainable & scaleable soul aligned business 
  • 15 activations, superconscious recoding & Rapid Energetic Recoding to align you with your highest timeline
  • Nervous system & embodiment tools to expand your capacity to receive 

Have questions? Feel free to DM Vanessa on Instagram or apply for a call