The 10 Day Experience To fire up your intuition so you always know what to do and when, get clear on your mission + message and LAUNCH + SELL your soul aligned program within hours (not months).


$497 $111!

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Imagine being MAGNETIC to all that you DESIRE, feeling clear and calm every day. No more worry, self doubt, people pleasing or filtering who you are. 

Who you came here to be - confident, happy and energised. 
Let go of the rules. Let go of who you think you should be. What you SHOULD do
Always knowing what to focus on in your business, taking massive aligned action and TRUSTING yourself fully 
 TRUE joy and FREEDOM is available for you now
What if you could tap into your next level of income + impact and fully embody the energy of the multiple 6 figure version of you NOW? Are you ready?...


  • 2 Live trainings with Vanessa to help you dig into the power of Unleashing Yourself so you can get paid to be you.
  • โ€‹10 days of journal prompts, videos and powerful audios to shift you into alignment and massive action so that you can create and be all that you're meant to. You're a BIG dreamer with big goals. Let's get you so aligned you hit them
  • โ€‹The exact morning routine I have and daily journal prompts that helped me create 6 figure weeks, get featured in FORBES and increase my 1:1 prices 100% (and sell them) in less than 3 months
  • โ€‹how to shift your energy instantly so you feel incredible and be available for quantum shifts in your life
  • โ€‹the blueprint I use to launch programs and sell them out (so that you can do the same)
  • โ€‹The exact process to connect with your intuition so that you always know the exact next steps to follow in your business 

And so much more!


BONUS 1: My Mindset Routine for Massive Aligned Action

The morning routine + exact journalling prompts I use that keeps me energized and aligned. So I do more in a lot less time. 

BONUS 2: A powerful guided meditation so that you start to fully TRUST yourself + any decision you make

The meditation I use with my high end clients to fire up your intuition and intellect and get them working in harmony so that you always know what to write and what to say 

BONUS 3:  The exact process I use to launch + sell from a place of CALM + JOY

 Tap into your soul desires, create your EPIC programs + sell from a space of EXPANSIVENESS

UNLEASH YOURSELF is Your Fast-Track to Reaching More DREAM Clients AND Building the Life + Business That Sets Your SOUL on FIRE



  • You’re SICK and tired of sitting on ideas and holding back because of fear. You know you are made for more and you're 100% committed to creating a life better than your dreams.
  •  you suck the JOY out of things that are meant to be pleasurable 
  •   no matter the money you make or the goals you reach it never feels “enough”. Connect to feeling more than enough now. 
  •  you want to feel FREE in life and business to be visible + share your message confidently. 
  •   you want to stop being the best kept secret on the internet and be the woman you came here to be. Impact lives and make as much money as you want.
  •  you want to be FULLY expressed and speak your truth so you sell effortlessly and magnetise your soul clients
  •  you want to stop the self doubt and people pleasing for good and release responsibility and create firm boundaries that work for you and your clients 
  •  you want 10 days of support + loving smackdowns delivered to your inbox for massive shifts 

Today You Can


$497 $111!

Click Here to Join Now For Only $111


This morning I felt like I had a challenging day ahead of me with work. Since watching your live video Vanessa, and sharing how I felt with you, I made the firm decision to cut the BS and focused purely on what was important and what lights me up. As a result, I made a call and confirmed a magazine feature spread, got approached by a press team at my old university about featuring my story and have another PR opportunity in the pipeline - and personally, you've helped to remind me to tap into DANCE for my wellbeing!  Today I've felt truly alive in my business and this mindset work has been such a valuable reminder to me of what's important, and goes to show that what you focus on becomes your reality. Focus on challenges and your energy will feel drained. Focus on positive reinforcements and goals and it's amazing what can happen.

X Tania

Hey everyone, I just wanted to share my wins & hopefully inspire you to step out of your comfort zone like what Vanessa has gone through today! 

Turning UP our abundance should be easy & effortless. It doesn’t matter what we’re going through in life. As long as we prioritise on abundance, identify the issues & work through it, this part of our life IS supported!

After being on live with Vanessa yesterday, I realised that I needed to sit & process through my negative embedded emotions & beliefs about others.

Instead of being black or white, the message I’ve gotten from my higher self was to be flexible!

Being flexible means striving for balance and being assertive but kind at the same time.

When I shifted my perspective, understood this concept & applied to my situation, my whole energy shifted as well! 

Be flexible with my options, services & be in the grey area. Be uncertain. Anything can happen!

It was just last night that I’ve gotten 2 new orders from clients, just because I did the inner/shadow work.

Thank you so much, Vanessa & ladies who inspired me!! 

I feel so blessed to be in this group!

So much love to you

Grace, Intuitive

Vanessa, you're so right when you say THIS is what we're running our businesses for. I'd gone through a period recently where i'd gone back to playing safe and hiding behind my real potential, and this training came at a time when i felt bored of things being that way - I knew they could change with the right mindset. And my work focuses a lot on mindset as well, so it just goes to show even if you have expertise in a certain area, when you come across a challenge never be too proud to receive more coaching and be in an environment of like-minded people to help bring you back to your reality ๐Ÿ’•
So this has been the biggest takeaway for me so far - take action, because it is only you that is getting in your way, nothing else. Thank you Vanessa for creating this wonderful environment for us to learn and grow in this awareness together.

BIGGEST breakthough: A few days ago, I looked at my pending loan due date which I did not have the money for... and said outloud, I will have the money to pay for this, I am not going to worry about it.

Yesterday, I received payment for more than enough of the loan payment, without expecting it! It was a true bless and release from the debt moment for me, and the Universe provided! Paid, 2 days early.


Jamie, Coach


I just wanted to come in and say thank you again, I've really created a massive shift from within with Unleash yourself.

My whole website has completely changed and I have my freebie offer for new clients which is a journal and 5 minute Meditation, the Meditation was completely channeled by spirit, I'm off now to write in my journey the email prompts I received from you today.

Lynn, Manifestation Coach

A Mega shift in my energy.  I've become a mega attractor!!! So far I've past clients and new ones reach out.  I've set up a bunch of sales calls.  And I've reconnected with my 5-figure month self, let go of the past and remembered that ambitious wildly powerful woman!!  I have so much fun every day.  And can feel a MEGA sales month coming on!!!!

Suzie, Publicist


P.S. - Break the rules, tap into your unique gifts and do the work you came here to do. It is time to be FULLY expressed, UNLEASH YOURSELF.