8 week Certification to EMBODY your Unique Gifts, Radiance & Prosperity codes through the Gene Keys, Create, Launch & Sell your Signature Methodology & Learn 5 Proven Techniques to Shift clients (and yourself) for Massive Transformations. It's time to UPLEVEL your Income, Impact and Freedom and get Paid To be You. 

"All the way! PTBY is a shape shifting program! It is about conscious growth, soul reset, and expansion if you allow it!
It was completely for me! " Auraldie

This is the certification that ends the constant search for more certifications. It combines….

  • Gene Keys to embody your gifts, own being a leader, activate your prosperity codes & integrate the shadow so that you can  expand your energetic capacity to receive clients, cash & opportunities (you have it ALL within you NOW)
  • Processes to regulate your nervous system so that you can open your channels to download your message & offers and be able attract more clients 
  • Proven tools to support clients with shifts emotionally, spiritually, mentally & physically as well as working on the subconscious, conscious & superconscious mind so that you provide a holistic approach to supporting clients with transformations and helping them create their dream life, relationships & business 
  • A clear process to create your own signature methodology for massive client transformations and to confidently communicate your message
  • A pathway to move from 3D (scarcity, separation, lack of intuition) to 5D consciousness (oneness, creativity, intuition) so that you reset to your soul blueprint, create a consciousness awareness of your habits, break recurring patterns and manifest all of your desires
  • Creating, launching & selling your signature methodology aligned to your energy type and in a sustainable way 

It is unique and incredible, just like you.

"I went from $10k months to $60k months in PTBY. My client results skyrocketed, I started to sell my signature offer and really embodied being Paid To be me" Victoria

You’ve done courses, qualifications and worked with clients…but you know that you want to:

Create a massive impact in the world and leave a legacy. You know that you are here for HUGE things. You're done playing small... and you're so ready to take up space, be seen and create a ripple effect of change. 

Support clients with mind - blowing transformations (that even blow you away) . You're already seeing amazing shifts but you're ready to supercharge this and OWN how you defy logic, get results and create transformations. 

To get PAID abundantly for your unique gifts and contribution in the world. You know you're meant to be OPULENT in this lifetime and although you make great money - you're ready to make more with more spaciousness & ease. 

Have a regulated nervous system so that you can attract soul clients and be able to take on more

Tools, methodologies and processes to shift yourself & clients emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically so that they feel vibrant, energised and effortlessly attract abundance 

Quantum Marketing, Vibrational Launching & Soulful Sales - channel your marketing strategy from the quantum field (where all intelligence already exists), understand being a vibrational match for soul clients and sell in a way that feel INCREDIBLE 



You know you hold the codes, methodologies and keys ready to be activated and owned… you’re ready to take the tools and experience you have to create something REVOLUTIONARY and impactful.

You hold magic and power that at times even scares you! You’re my soul person.

You no longer believe that change is hard, or it has to take a long time (bye-bye old paradigm) but you want to create something of your own that supports clients and feels exciting for you too.

That’s what the Paid To Be You Certification is all about, helping you own your power through integrating the shadow & using your Gene Keys and supporting clients with massive transformations by being unapologetically you. 

You're ready for your next expansion. We will discuss big money months, upleveling, manifestation, quantum leaps, unapologetic self expression and collapsing timelines.

You are LIMITLESS and infinite possibilities and potentiality exist in the NOW. It's time to remember your innate power & brilliance.  


Daily testimonials and love notes from clients saying how much the work you’ve done together has shifted them. They take full responsibility for leading themselves & their results that it feels so incredible to support them and be a mirror for their magnificence. 

Feeling like the work you do is so easy and natural – this is what using your unique gifts is all about. The things that come naturally to you are the things that need to be front and centre of your business. 

Getting paid exactly what you want to charge attracting dreamy soul clients who have to work with you. When you are ALL of you - you are the only choice for your clients.

You have a method in place that you use to shift yourself on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual plane – to keep your energy clear and magnetic to be able to receive & hold money, clients and your next level impact.

Having so much fun, pleasure and joy in the work you do while you show up confidently.

Feeling confident and aligned with how you market & sell. Creating a consistent & sustainable plan so your business mirrors this. Fully trusting yourself and letting go of the rules. It's time to create a soul aligned business on your terms. I invested in 8 different coaches and realised no one marketed the same. What works? What you feel energised with & creates sustainability. 

Paid To be You Certification is based on the FACT that every human is magnificent, divine, perfectly created , and whole. Everyone on this planet has a reason for being. You included!

The clients that truly shift connect back to their truth and magnificence - allowing the deeper purpose (Superconscious) to direct the subconscious.While taking BOLD aligned action in alignment with their bigger vision. 


Learn how to shift yourself and clients on an emotional, spiritual, mental, physical & energetic level. 

These tools have helped me and my clients create amazing shifts. After doing over 33 courses & various qualifications coupled with 7 years of experience online & 17 years coaching and 1000s of testimonials,  I’ve brought together the best of what I know and only use processes that I believe in:

Through Vanessa's Rapid Energetic Recoding Method we work with all 3 - conscious, subconscious and super conscious giving you tools to shift while also scope to make it your own and teach clients . The only thing that works is what we believe works.

You will shift clients energetically, emotionally, physically and spiritually in this process. Its why I’ve been studying psychology, shadow self, subconscious, NLP, Breathwork, superconscious , quantum healing, tons of coaching , kinetic shift , Shamanic & soul retrieval ....so that you don’t have to! You want to be shifting more clients

Unleash Your inner genius - the 2 hour intensive (1:1 or group) that I sell for $1888 and unlocks a clients genius, methodology, messaging and story as well as clear & release what is holding them back . I’ve seen clients go from charging less than $2000 charge and sell $25k programs. $500 to $15k . This is something I’ve developed by hiring 8 different coaches, doing tons of courses, experience helping thousands of clients and $300k invested and I’ll teach you how to do it

Creating channelled activations and visualisations to shift a client and receive their deepest wisdom. The technique I use, how to channel, the language of visualisations & tapping into your subconscious & super conscious and the tech of adding music & choosing it

Light language is the language of the heart, soul and quantum. It supports clients through the ability to let go of the logical mind and allow the wisdom of your soul and the Divine to express through you. It is a rapid healing modality that speaks to the DNA and helps clients reset to their soul blueprint (true self).  Tapping you back into the unified field bringing your unique genius and contribution to the world. This will help you heal your light body so that you feel more vibrant, energised and connected.

for recoding our DNA, tapping you back into higher consciousness and transmuting emotions  and fears. It connects you back to the unified field and quantum realm. Everything that is meant for you in this lifetime is already in your energetic field and this supports you with getting clarity and confidence to take the aligned actions in faith. It is a powerful somatic healing methodology. 

Unlocking your keys and unique codes for radiance, purpose and abundance while connecting you to your highest frequency and understanding the shadow. Learning to come into your deepest truth, magnificence, transcending resistance and creating a ripple effect of change. 


I’m Vanessa Hallick, a world-renowned Mindset and Intuitive Business coach, Bestselling Author of Paid To be You and founder of the Rapid Energetic Recoding™ Method.

I’m obsessed with helping visionary entrepreneurs create a freedom-based business, using savvy strategies, psychology and soul alignment...all while having fun!

I love empowering you to be the best version of yourself and achieve your definition of success while being abundant, confident and happy. My mission is to support you in creating your richest and most exciting reality, by helping you achieve your big goals without feeling overwhelmed. 

After doing over 33 courses in 13 months and finally saying “fuck it” after walking out of a course after day 1, angry, frustrated and disappointed. I realised, I was searching for the next course to validate me. To give me the magic tool to support clients. What I realised? My power, my brilliance, my experience and finally owning how incredible I actually am is what I needed to support my clients on their journey. That was the end of my search for the next thing.

What I really learnt instead was this…

You are the magic. You are the magnificence. This is the certification to support you with deeply remembering who you are and holding space for your power & genius so that you feel confident, clear and excited to support others. 

→ 5 of the most profound methodologies I use to rapidly shift myself & clients on an emotional, mental, spiritual and physical level.

→ 10 Activations & New Belief Recoding + Implant

  • Root chakra: Grounding & Safety
  • Sacral chakra: Cut chords, clear energy and awaken your creativity
  • Solar plexus chakra: Prosperity & Wealth Codes DNA Activation
  • Heart Chakra: Heart Opening & Healing
  • Throat Chakra: Throat Chakra & Unapologetic Self Expression
  • Third Eye Activation: Decalcify your Pineal gland, Open Your Channels + Trusting Your Downloads
  • Crown Chakra Activation: Light Language, Higher self & Light Body Activation
  • Soul Star Chakra: Reset To your Soul Blueprint
  • Unleash Your Message
  • Quantum Marketing activation - channel your unique marketing blueprint from the quantum field

→ 12 weeks of live trainings and modules with a group of IMPACTFUL leaders

→ 12 core modules that you can refer back to at any time.

→ On completion you will be a Paid To Be You Certified Facilitator and have a badge for your website & certificate

Over 3 core phases we will support you with calibrating your nervous system to hold more, opening your channels to receive your message & offers from the quantum field, connect you fully to your mission and guide you to creating, launching & selling your signature methodology 

Before we start, you’ll receive

→ Your personal Gene Keys report, audio & prompts to unlock your Radiance, Prosperity Codes and Life Purpose 

→ Paid To Be You Matrix (a comprehensive audit of where you are and any elements that need to align for your bigger vision) 



Your Bigger Vision 


  • How to regulate your nervous system & the importance of regulation in channeling, manifestation & supporting clients so that you can EXPAND your energetic capacity to receive
  • Breaking the outdated patterns of addiction to pain & struggle and why we form these coping patterns and mechanisms so that you can feel these in your body & no longer allow discomfort to stop you 
  • Emotional intelligence and how to effectively manage & feel your emotions (a simple 2 minute practice to transmute emotions & dissolve unfavorable memories) so that when you uplevel you can hold yourself through the transition 
  • Creating firm boundaries and discipline so that you can take on more clients and have more spaciousness

Tools & Process to be taught: Quantum Breathwork For Business

  • Understand the breathwork technique so that you feel confident in using this technique with clients
  • How to create a playlist that supports the breathing and journey for the client
  • What to expect, how to run a session and the benefits of breathwork so that you can confidently sell the transformation with clients
  • Things to be aware of and safety with clients 
  • Tap into your higher self and soul blueprint in a guided Quantum Breathwork session so that you can experience these deeper shifts for yourself and release what is stopping your from your next quantum uplevel

Activation: Grounding & Safety

Expanding Your Energetic Capacity To Receive More Clients, Cash & Opportunities 

Gene Key Activation & Prompts –  Gift Path – Evolution Sphere – Root Chakra 


  • How to regulate your nervous system & the importance of regulation in channeling, manifestation & supporting clients so that you can EXPAND your energetic capacity to receive
  • Breaking the outdated patterns of addiction to pain & struggle and why we form these coping patterns and mechanisms so that you can feel these in your body & no longer allow discomfort to stop you 
  • Emotional intelligence and how to effectively manage & feel your emotions (a simple 2 minute practice to transmute emotions & dissolve unfavorable memories) so that when you uplevel you can hold yourself through the transition 
  • Creating firm boundaries and discipline so that you can take on more clients and have more spaciousness

Tools & Process to be taught: Quantum Breathwork For Business

  • Understand the breathwork technique so that you feel confident in using this technique with clients
  • How to create a playlist that supports the breathing and journey for the client
  • What to expect, how to run a session and the benefits of breathwork so that you can confidently sell the transformation with clients
  • Things to be aware of and safety with clients 
  • Tap into your higher self and soul blueprint in a guided Quantum Breathwork session so that you can experience these deeper shifts for yourself and release what is stopping your from your next quantum uplevel

Activation: Grounding & Safety

Visibility & Brand Essence 

Gene Key Activation & Prompts  – Gift Path – Life’s work/Brand Sphere – Sacral Chakra


  • Unlocking your pleasure, passion & creative life force energy so that you do more of what you love & are a match for more 
  • Identify what you truly want, what excites you and understand that what lights you up, lights up the world 

Tool & Process to be taught: RAPID ENERGETIC RECODING METHOD

  • You will be taught Vanessa’s signature Rapid Energetic Recoding method (that combines shamanic practices, NLP, Hypnosis & Whole brain state) to get to the root of what is holding you back and rewire it so that you can use this methodology with clients (if you choose)
  • Understand the conscious, subconscious and superconscious
  • How to get out of the problem solving and fixing paradigm to an infinite field of possibility. This will connect you back to the unified field of infinite possibilities
  • Practice with other members will be available so that you can feel confident to use this method with clients.

Activation: Sacral Chakra Activation to cut chords, clear energy and awaken your creativity.

Unlocking Your Prosperity Codes

Gene Key – Solar Plexus – Culture Sphere


  • Understanding the quantum realm of infinite possibilities and manifesting from the quantum so that you create your bigger vision with certainty 
  • Unlocking your prosperity & wealth codes so that you can find joy in everything you create
  • The pain & pleasure continuum and your avoidance and attachment style
  • Understanding & speaking to the MAGNIFICENCE in your clients – everyone on this planet has a purpose, gifts and is brilliant. How to tap into this for massive shifts, empowering your clients and allowing you to lean back more in the process.

Tool & Process to be taught: YOUR SIGNATURE METHODOLOGY + Unleash Your Unique Genius

  • Unlocking or elevating your signature methodology using your unique gifts so that you can increase the investment for your programs and feel confident in the transformation you provide
  • Learn my process for supporting clients with unlocking their unique gifts, story and signature methodology that you can use with clients or make it your own (I used to charge $1497 for this 2 hour session alone and had to stop because I got too booked up)
  • Receive a full pack of templates and guides to support you with this process where needed

Activation: Prosperity & Wealth Codes DNA Activation  


Connecting Back To the Unified Field Through the Heart

Gene Keys Activation & Prompts – Heart Path – Attraction Sphere, IQ Sphere, EQ Sphere & SQ Sphere


  • Tapping into unconditional love for yourself, clients and your mission so that you can hold space for your client’s transformations without judgement or fear of being rejected
  • Leading from the heart and why closing our heart causes more frustration, fear and disconnect with clients
  • Understanding how you received love & healing the mother wound
  • Releasing judgement for yourself, clients and others – understanding mirrors, triggers and projections

Tool & Process to be taught: Discussion, looking at what you would like to shift in the modalities so far to align with you & time to practice modalities.

Activation: Heart Opening & Healing

Speaking Your Truth & Unleashing Your Message

Gene Keys Activation & Prompts – Throat Chakra  – Purpose


  • Speaking your truth, unlocking your message & being unapologetically you 


  • Creating your own visualizations and activations to speak to the subconscious and superconscious to unlock what is really holding a client back
  • Learn the language of visualisations so that you can speak to the subconscious in a way that is understood and can unlock important information
  • Create a space to channel and be guided by what is coming through you and trust what is being shared
  • How to add binaural beats to the visualisations so that you can deepen the activations for clients
  • Manifestation, money and tapping into the quantum realm of infinite possibilities so that you can understand that what you are creating is already created – you simply need to bring it into this reality.
  • Structure of visualisations and connecting into your unique way of activating your clients

Activation: Throat Chakra & Unapologetic Self Expression


Intuition & Opening Your Channels to Receive Downloads

Gene Keys – Heart Path & Abundance path – Vocation/Core wound sphere – Third Eye


  • Connecting and opening up your channels to receive divine guidance and downloads so that you take aligned action for the divine feminine (intuition)
  • Cultivating trust in your intuition and guidance

Tool & Process to be taught:  Practice session & learn how to tap into the Superconscious (higher self) in minutes so that you release resistance and take the aligned action you desire to take

Activation: Decalcify your Pineal gland & activate your intuition.

Radiance & Wholeness

Gene Keys – Crown Chakra – Radiance


  • Call back any disenfranchised parts of you that you have disowned so that you embody your wholeness. Most of your gifts are in these parts of you and are the things that need to be front and center in your business
  • Owning your intuitive and spiritual gifts so that you can tap into these for potent client transformations
  • What to expect when your cells are activated and you start to channel more so that you can prepare for the shift in consciousness

Tool & Process to be taught: Light Language & Healing through the use of light language.

Activation:  Light body + Galactic Activation to connect you back to higher dimensions while grounding you into the body.

Integrating & Celebration

Gene Keys – Pearl Sphere – Soul Star Chakra 


  • How to get more soul client testimonials/social proof in an aligned way
  • Creating your signature methodology & offer in an aligned way

Tool & Process to be taught:

  • Connecting into what you loved/didn’t love in the methodologies shared and any technique you have learnt so that you can create your own unique process
  • Identify your own methodology and allow space for any downloads so that you can powerfully create what is needed for the collective
  • Celebration of the shifts, magic and activations
  • Deeper practice and any questions that you have

Activation: Reset To Your Soul Blueprint



You’ve done courses and worked with some clients but you’re a visionary and want to create your signature methodology using your unique gifts and support your clients with being paid to be themselves.

You have a deep desire to create a meaningful impact in the lives of your clients

You love to think creatively and bring new ideas to light and then take the actions to make them a reality.

You’re ready to see money, abundance and pain/struggle differently. You’re ready to let go of limitations and outdated programming so that you can be who you’re meant to be. I believe that your purpose in this life is to have fun and to do the work you’re meant to do. I believe that we all l have codes, keys and methodologies that need to be unlocked – you’re ready to tap into this and know that you can.

You’re a rebel, a rule breaker and a leader looking to elevate your consciousness and tap into the unseen to bring it into reality.  You’re ready to go deeper into knowing yourself, seeing yourself and shifting your beliefs while getting PAID in a sustainable way. 



$2222 or $777 x 3

What's Included:


  • Access to 6 months in the group for any questions and additional trainings
  • One monthly live call for training & Q&A
  • Weekly emails & prompts to embody the work and keep you on track with completing the certification 
  • 5 of the most profound methodologies I use to shift myself & clients on a physical, mental, spiritual & emotional level so that you uplevel with ease (that have supported 1000s of client testimonials)

  • How to facilitate Breathwork, Rapid Energetic Recoding, Unique Genius Process to support clients with their signature offer, Intuitive Activations & Light Language Activation. 

  • Create your own signature methodology using your unique gifts, skills and knowledge. 
  • 8 Activations, New Belief Recoding + Implant for each chakra to realign and reset whenever needed. A process to identify what chakra could be blocked and how to shift it. 

  • 8 core modules that you can refer back to at any time for your next uplevel - on messaging, alignment, your bigger vision & your offer (and more)
  • Personalised Gene Keys Report & audio created by an expert, reflection prompts and weekly integration so that you can align with your soul blueprint 

  • Private Facebook group for any questions & support throughout the time together
  • You will NOT be certified as a Paid To Be You Certified Facilitator 




$5000 or $1111 x 5

What's Included:

  • Access to 8 weeks of live calls with Vanessa and the PTBY certification group
  • Access to 6 months in the group for any questions and additional trainings
  • One monthly live call for training & Q&A
  • Weekly emails & prompts to embody the work and keep you on track with completing the certification 
  • 5 of the most profound methodologies I use to shift myself & clients on a physical, mental, spiritual & emotional level so that you uplevel with ease (that have supported 1000s of client testimonials)

  • How to facilitate Breathwork, Rapid Energetic Recoding, Unique Genius Process to support clients with their signature offer, Intuitive Activations & Light Language Activation. 

  • Create your own signature methodology using your unique gifts, skills and knowledge. 
  • 8 Activations, New Belief Recoding + Implant for each chakra to realign and reset whenever needed. A process to identify what chakra could be blocked and how to shift it. 

  • 8 core modules that you can refer back to at any time for your next uplevel - on messaging, alignment, your bigger vision & your offer (and more)
  • Personalised Gene Keys Report & audio created by an expert, reflection prompts and weekly integration so that you can align with your soul blueprint 

  • Private Facebook group for any questions & support throughout the time together
  • You will be certified as a Paid To Be You Certified Facilitator and receive a badge & certification with completion of the modules. 



Excited to see you in there. When you rise up, you give others permission to do the same.